Father's Day is celebrated over 100 years ago at the Spokane, Washington YMCA USA, which was founded by Sonora Smart Dodd and is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. For the very first time, Father’s Day was celebrated in1910 to admire fatherhood, parental bonds, and the roles that are played by the father in society. India follows the US and celebrates Father’s Day every third Sunday of June whereas in other countries including Portugal, Spain, Italy, Father’s Day is celebrated on March 19. And even though this is a Western tradition started in the United States of America, it has gained a lot of fame in India in the past many years.
A father is a very unique person who cannot be compared with any other relationship in this world. A father can do anything to be the best for his kids and society too.
Father is always considered to be a responsible person who would be the first ideal or first inspiration for his kids. On Father’s Day children address and acknowledge their fathers and endorse the contribution of fathers to their own families and society as well.
Apart from being a father, he plays multiple roles in our lives it can be financial, mental, or even emotional. A father can be any supporter to us according to the situation.
For so many years, father works at their best to give the best, to their kids and worked all day and night. As I know, on this special day all children used to buy or make various gifts and give to their fathers. When I need money every time, they just pick up his wallet and gave me money. I love that day when he took me to the store on my birthday and bought me my favorite toy that I had been seeing for so long because he knew what it meant to me. So, I also thought that this time why not give him a wallet gift, that wallet gift that my father always keeps with himself to fulfill my needs and for their self-use as well and I think the wallet is a perfect gift as the wallet is considered to be a powerful symbol, the symbol of wealth, ability and success.
A father always wants to do everything for their kids regardless of time and conditions as my father did to support me in all ways so that I can reach my destiny.
Let’s make this Father’s Day will be an unforgettable one for the rest of his life and make them happy and proud by showing our gratitude toward them who helps and supports us as an energy booster by giving them a Wallet Gift.
Your father is the best in all ways so he also deserves the best. Let him know how much he means to you by choosing one of the best Wallet Gift for him on this Father’s Day
Thank you, Happy Father’s Day!